Customer Reviews
Write a reviewYum
- By Laura on Apr 24, 2021
This pack contains two of my favorite flavors: mint and honey lavender. The third flavor, caramel, is tasty as well. This pack is really a treat. I'm so glad they combined these flavors. (Now, I just need an all-tea flavored pack of the jasmine tea from the Sweethearts box, the white tea from the Enchanted Forest box, and the earl grey Bergamot one from the Every Flavor Collection. I don't know why, but it seems I really like tea mixed with chocolate.) I highly recommend these pastel ladybugs. I try to save them as a treat in the afternoon to balance out my healthy meals. I have to have some fun. ;)
Gorgeous and delicious!
- By Sara on May 2, 2013
My very favorite were the honey caramel bees - but all three flavors were exceptional! I bought this set for myself, but I think your beautiful chocolates will make great gifts for upcoming events!